The School Day and Term Dates

Our school day begins at 9.00am with transitions from transport. Learners are then provided with breakfast, and have the option of either eating with their peers in our dining hall, or in the quieter classroom setting.

Structured lessons begin at 9.30 am and end at 2:30pm.  At the end of their lessons, learners take part in ‘tutor time’ and then leave school at 3.00pm for their transport home.

Our timetabled lessons include, maths, English, computing, science, PSHE, RSE and PE. We also provide lessons in food technology, humanities, outdoor learning, creative studies, surfing, swimming, and other various exciting outdoor pursuits.

Our class sizes range from 3-6 learners and wellbeing interventions are woven into the school day through whole class, small group work, and one-to-one sessions, depending on the individual needs of the  learner. A rich sensory diet is offered in each classroom to meet the needs of learners and support regulation throughout the day,

Each learner at our school has an Individual Education Plan (IEP), which is tailored to their specific needs and their individual Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP) targets. Each class has access to a qualified Speech and Language Therapist (SLT) to support learners’ social communication needs. We have our own Occupational Therapist (OT) on site and we also employ the services of a Music Therapist and Physiotherapist.

Snack and lunch times are structured and supervised, whilst promoting healthy eating and independence. The option of a hot school meal or a sandwich is offered at lunchtime. Learners are encouraged to join lunchtime clubs that offer extra-curricular activities and which provide opportunities to socialise with other classes. Break times are seen as important learning moments to develop social and other skills.

Our staff communicate regularly with home via telephone and email. We communicate both the successes and difficulties learners have faced to parents/carers, so we can work together in the best interests of our learners.

Food at Highgate Hill House School

We pay particular attention to a balanced and healthy diet, using fresh ingredients wherever possible, and our meals are all prepared on site. We are able to accommodate specific dietary needs such as allergies and cultural requirements.

Our menus operate on a four-weekly rolling menu to ensure children have access to a wide variety of meals and flavours. Fruit and yoghurt are available on a daily basis.

Each morning, lunch is discussed and learners are offered the choice of the hot meal for the day or sandwiches as an alternative.


As a school, we are aware of sensory needs and therefore, uniform is not mandatory. Upon enrolment, children are provided with two school polo shirts and a school hoodie to wear if they wish.

Children can wear trousers, jogging bottoms, leggings, shorts or skirts. We ask for learners to be dressed appropriately for activity on the days they have PE.

Term Dates

Our term dates for the current academic year can be downloaded for future reference by clicking below.