
What our Parents, Carers and Professional
Partners Say About Highgate Hill House School.

We are proud to share some of the feedback we have received from members of our school community.

“The staff’s belief and encouragement for my son has been exceptional.”

“Zac has settled in well to the school since starting in October. He never used to tell me much about what he’d been doing at school but now he enjoys updating me every day. Turns out he’s pretty good at pottery, which is something he’d never tried before starting at Highgate. His latest report shows he has made good progress across all subjects and he has also developed some lovely friendships in his class. He likes all of the staff at school and they all seem to get his quirky sense of humour. He especially seems to have clicked with Mo. Amazingly, he also enjoys PE now, which is something I never thought I’d see!

When we first visited Highgate, Zac said to me afterwards ‘This is the one Mum’, and he was absolutely right. Highgate is the perfect school for my boy. I feel like he has finally found his tribe after years of struggling.”

“My son Riley started at Highgate Hill House a few years ago in in year 7.

He went to main stream primary but struggled more than you would know. When we found out Riley had a place here, we as a family were extremely grateful and excited. 

Riley is doing outdoor learning as well as cooking, woodwork and gardening and still doing the main lessons of maths, English etc. 

Beach trips are Riley’s favourite too as he is a very ‘outdoors person’ and this year, he is in year 8 is loving PE and football etc 

There are days when he struggles but staff always email me at the end of the day or call if needed. But, in general, we are all happy, Riley is doing fab and the staff are always trying to help if things take a turn that day to turn things better again. 

In all, Riley is happy here and I find if I have an issue I talk to staff or the headmistress and they sort it out.”

“Jack absolutely adores coming to school it’s his favourite place to be 🙂 His teachers are all so supportive and completely understanding of his complex needs which makes his development and learning thrive….and the school setting is beautiful. Happy boy…happy parents.”

“Highgate has been a fantastic experience for a boy who lost all confidence and self belief in previous schools. 

Seeing Jack in ‘Highgate’s Got Talent’ as ‘Captain Jack Sparrow’ the compere, was one of our proudest moments.

To not only see a young man thrive, overcome his fears and able to be himself but, he also was able to adapt when things didn’t go quite to plan, stay calm and entertain whilst things were sorted. 

To sit there and watch all these children come out of their comfort zone and just shine was a beautiful moment.

The support and encouragement leading up and on the day from all the staff and peers was just fantastic and great to see. Thank you Highgate for letting me see my boy again, can’t wait to see where we go next. “

“The staff at Highgate have been amazing working so hard to transition Alfie and Seren into school …the children arrive home happy every day and enjoy their time whilst there. I cannot thank the staff of Highgate enough for supporting not just the children but also myself through this transition – nothing is ever too much trouble.”

“Since coming to join Highgate, my son has gained so much confidence and is so much happier than he has ever been in a previous school. Previously he would not attend class and would not participate in anything at school. He would not talk or communicate with people and was an elective mute. Since September , when he joined Highgate he has made brilliant progress. He now reads independently and is confident in Maths lessons. He is chatty and has made friends. He participates in Cooking and Outdoor Learning activities which he really enjoys.

He has come home and told me that he ‘loves being at school.’”

“Earlier this year, we were despairing, thinking that our son would never thrive in an educational establishment again. He had such a traumatic experience in mainstream education, it seemed highly likely that he would never know what it is to enjoy school and reap the benefits of a truly inclusive and enriching education. Happily, that has all changed since he started at Highgate. He actively enjoys going to school, and the bespoke transition that the highly skilled staff at Highgate have arranged has ensured that he has integrated seamlessly. We are delighted to see our boy socialising and enjoying his learning in such a supportive and nurturing environment.”

“I can only sing the praises of Highgate Hill House School! My son has attended for the last four years, and I can attest to the kindness of the staff, the patience to support him and the skill developing his life skills and academically. We have had support from the school as parents, and this makes all the difference. The staff all love the learners and enjoy interacting with the children, and this makes a huge difference. I would not hesitate to recommend Highgate Hill House School!”

“This time last year our daughter was in such a bad place and she had suffered such trauma from another school that was meant to be a safe place for children with special needs. 

Every one of the staff that we’ve had contact with from HHH have been exceptional and we really do value all that they’ve done to help our daughter so far in such a short amount of time. She has many complex needs, with many different layers, but she also has such potential. The all round understanding of her behaviour (and drivers for behaviour) has been exceptional. The quality of teaching, the approach, the support that they give is exceptional. I can’t begin to tell you what a difference they have made to our mental health, let alone our daughter’s. 

For the first time, we can see small shoots of hope for her future. She has found safety, understanding and consistent boundaries.  The staff have been incredible with her and their communication with us has been exceptional. Our daughter’s behaviour has softened and she is slowly beginning to feel better in herself. 

Highgate has been exceptional and we have so much hope for the future now.”